Reflections. Celebrations. Life.

Reflections. Celebrations. Life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Having a baby is lots of work!

Currently, Hudson is sleeping soundly in his swing by the window as the wind blows violently outside. Ryne is gone at parent teacher conferences, I've been surfing Facebook and Pinterest for a little bit...and remembered that I had a blog that I promised myself I would try to keep up to date. But seriously, sometimes life gets in the way! I really don't know how some people are such committed bloggers! Kudos to you though if you are! 

So here's an update of the past three months in a nut shell (sort of).

August - School started! I have an incredible class and an even more amazing staff at my new school. It will make going back after Thanksgiving much easier (although it's going to be REALLY hard!) Ryne is thriving in his new classroom as well. He continues to amaze and inspire me. He is getting so much praise and encouragement from his staff and principals, and his kids love him. I know because I was able to go spend the afternoon with him, and watch the way they interact with him. He's the "cool" teacher. He loves his kids!

September - Mr. Hudson Douglas Huff was born on September 19th, 2012 at 10:14 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 11 oz. and measuring a whopping 18 3/4 in. long. Little guy. NOT at all what we expected. But WHAT A BLESSING HE IS! Ok, so he was due on the 13th of September...I started dilating about 3 weeks before my due date so I had convinced myself he was coming early. Guess what little stinker decided he was really comfy in mommy's tummy? Yes, you are right! So we scheduled an induction for a week after my due date. Not how I wanted to go...mostly because I had heard so many horror stories about inductions and how long and hard they are. Mine? 10 hrs of labor, pushed for 15 min. Hard work. Seriously probably the most incredible thing I have ever done...and I didn't even "do" it. God is amazing.

Hudson was born with bilateral club feet. Which we knew about before. So the day we left the hospital we headed to the orthopedic doctor for his very first casting. I have to admit that I was really apprehensive. It was like I knew what we were doing was completely the right thing but I was scared of the reality of the situation. God must have known I was struggling because as they casted Hudson for the very first time, our boy was calm and relaxed. NOT what clubfeet babies typically act like when being casted. But...I  still cried. I'll say it was a mixture of the hormones, emotions, and nerves. It's okay though. I'm his mom. I'm supposed to worry for him.

The next week was rough. Adjusting to life at home with a new baby for the first time is so crazy. Breast feeding, the casts, a circumcision, and a jaundice baby. God continued to remain faithful and I made it through the first few weeks! Not without lots of tears, but it's okay.

October - This month so far has been so good. Spending my days with this guy has been amazing. We are currently on our third set of casts (we will go for the fourth set tomorrow). He has slept through the night...a few times. We love those nights. He and I have taken a few walks, gone shopping, and had lunch out a few times. I am slowly getting better at getting us out of the house on time to different places. Woo hoo! I almost forgot...we got his newborn pictures taken as well. Here are a few teasers that our photographer Kim Joyce Photography has posted. LOVE them!

 There have been a few verses that have gotten us through these first few weeks. I'll leave you with those. Hopefully it won't take me as long to post again as last time. Blessings to you!

Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Psalm 25:15 - My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.

Isaiah 40:31 - But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Thank you for ending with those verses. They are good for all of us. <3 Maria
