Reflections. Celebrations. Life.

Reflections. Celebrations. Life.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mama said there'd be days like this

Time for an update. Lots to update! First, I just need to say that I really enjoy getting to share our story through this blog. I used to write all the time. It was therapeutic, and I sincerely loved it. I had journals full of diary entries, prayers, thoughts, whatever. Being able to write again has reminded me how much I loved it, and why it was so important to me.

October - Lots & lots of cuddles with the boy. He was Tigger for Halloween. He slept through all of the trick or treaters coming. October flew by fast I felt like. I guess that's what happens when you have a new baby! We are so blessed with Hudson though. He is such a happy baby. In October, he started smiling...a lot. Nothing better. Nothing.

Everyone always asks us, "is he a good sleeper?" I just smile and say "yes, yes he is." I did so much reading about babies with clubfeet before Hudson was born so I could prepare myself for what would be to come, and what I read a lot of what that babies with club feet have a harder time sleeping through the night. Makes since. With all of the castings, surgeries, and the brace...I totally got it. But when Hudson slept through the night for the first time at 3 weeks...I was appalled. I just knew it wouldn't last. But it did. He has only had a few "sleepless" nights here and there due to some uncomfort from his treatment. Those nights seem so long. But I often have to remind myself how LUCKY we are that he just did this on his own. He's amazing.

November - Hudson had his tenotomy at the beginning of the month. It was really an unexplainable feeling to know that this was the right thing, the best thing for Hudson even, but to know that he was going to have to go through pain to get there was SO hard. I do think this was the hardest part of the entire treatment process.  They casted him immediately afterward, and we took him home right after the procedure. That might have been the scariest part. We were told to watch his bleeding, and that if it was excessive to call. He had some big spots of blood on his casts, and we freaked a little but in the end it all ended up to be okay.

We also celebrated Hudson's first Thanksgiving this month. He didn't get to fully enjoy the holiday, but I imagine next year he will indulge in some turkey and mashed 'taters. :)

I went back to work the following week after Thanksgiving. Being a working mama is a whole different ballgame people. All mama's work hard, and stay at home mama's work hard, I know, but being a working mama is pretty tough. There is a lot to balance. Being devoted to both career and family. I especially think teachers have it tough. I know so many teachers that work so many late hours just to give their students the best they deserve. As a mommy, its a tug of war of devotion. I am slowing figuring out how to manage it all. I love my job, and it is my calling in life. But I have quickly learned that I am FIRST and FOREMOST a mommy to Hudson and wife to Ry, then I am a teacher.

December - Has begun! It is my very favorite time of the year, and not just because of my birthday. ;) I just love the entire environment of December! The shopping, the lights, the cool crisp air, family, and lots of love! The biggest thing so far? Hudson is cast FREE! Last week he got the casts removed, and we came home in a new brace (aka snowboard)! The best part about the brace is free feet bath time. Hudson loves it. And I really love touching his little toes! The adjustment to the brace has been a little bit of a challenge for Hudson. He has had to learn to kick both feet at the same time, and his right foot has been a little sore. But we are going to make it through this transition phase just like we have every other step of the way.

You wanna know the best part about this whole process? The Lord has been with us each step of the way. We are so blessed to know He has not left our side.

Joshua 1:9

As I watched Hudson coo and laugh the other night, it was as if I heard a voice inside tell me something very important about him. He is a very special boy. The Lord has plans for my son. Amazing plans. He is going to be the hands and feet of Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I recommended this to another clubfoot mamma who was struggling with sore piggies and feet from the new braces, it's called second skin. It's a water based skin protectant that you place directly on the feet and it keep the blisters from getting worse and sores forming on the skin :) Hudson is adorable! So glad his piggies have been freed at last!
