Reflections. Celebrations. Life.

Reflections. Celebrations. Life.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hudson Goes to Florida

We left warm, beautiful, sunny Florida early yesterday morning and returned to overcast, damp, chilly Kansas. It was a wonderful trip and coming back was hard but home is always good. So with the another impending snow storm headed our way I thought I would sit down and share about the adventures of our trip. 
Ry & I before leaving KC.

I had some anxiety about this trip 1. going through TSA with Hudson's Ponseti brace  and 2. traveling (flying) with a baby. So, of course, I did my research and decided that Hudson would just wear his brace through security so that if TSA decided to start questioning the brace they could see that he needed to wear it. We walked through and set off the buzzer so they asked us to step aside. 20 minutes later both Ryne and I got a full pat down and were finally cleared. It really didn't bother me at the time because I guess I had pretty much expected it but I later started thinking about the fact that there could actually be someone coming through that is dangerous and they were wasting their time with us. Not to mention, the newly revised rule that passengers may now carry pocket knives on air planes. Really?! Who needs a pocket knife on an AIRPLANE?! Rant over. Sorry.

So as we took off on our first flight with Hudson, I was SO nervous! I didn't want to be the people on the airplane with a screaming baby. I could just imagine him screaming and crying the whole time and both Ry and I being stressed to the MAX trying to console him. I know it's not something we can entirely control and there are so many people who completely understand, but there's always Joe Schmoe who apparently has either never had children or just thinks his children are better than everyone else and will stare/give dirty looks the entire time. Thankfully, we didn't have to worry about ANY of that. Hudson was a complete dream. He slept and played the entire way and didn't shed a tear! We just keep thinking that this isn't real. Haha. And it's a good thing too because our first flight into Nashville went right through a storm and was hit by lightning, twice! I have a touch of flying anxiety to begin with so that just about sent me over the edge. Luckily, we landed fine and our second flight was a cake walk.

The week in Florida was incredible. We had so much fun watching Hudson experience so many firsts! We made a little exception and let him have a little more free feet time just so he could enjoy the sun & sand while we were there. We have been really committed to his brace wear for so long, partly because I was so adamant about him having the best results possible and partly because Hudson has made it so easy. One thing that I have been continually reminded of about Hudson, is that he has a very soothed and steady demeanor. Even before birth, he was just go with the flow.  As I reflect on the past 6 months and all of the journey we have already experienced, I am amazed at his progress, the way we have become a family, the knowledge and expertise of our doctors who have helped us step by step, and the many moments when our friends and family have stopped to say a prayer for Hudson and those little miracle feet!

Hudson's first time swimming. He loved it. I think we have a water baby! (sorry for the paleness!)

Hudson baby's first time on the beach. And he was 6 months this day!
Miracle feet experiencing the ocean for the first time.
Hudson loves his Auntie Annie so much! He is blessed to have aunts and uncles who love him so much.

Hudson visited the zoo for the first time in Florida

His favorite animal was the giraffe! Probably because he loves his Sophie so much!
And this sums up Hudson's thoughts after an adventure filled vacation. :)

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